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Sunday, 12 February 2012

Hat Review: Frost vision goggles

Frost vision goggles
 Frost vision goggles came out a few days ago and were made by Arbirator, the maker of R-News. This is a retexture of heat vision goggles, which are priced at 12,000 tickets. In robux that is around 1200R$. The frost vision goggles, however, are 5000R$. I prefer these to heat vision goggles, but it is priced MUCH higher than heat vision goggles. I love the icicles on the lens, and how the actual goggle box looks like stone, because it is frozen.

Retexture: 9/10 I love the retexture, it looks pretty epic. It is a little plain, though.
Mesh: 8/10 It looks pretty cool, and the straps on the back look cool as well.
How good it looks on people: 8/10 You have to be careful with how you wear this, because if worn incorrectly, your look could fail. This usually goes with the "epic look" if you get me. xD
Overall score: 8.5/10 An epic hat if you know how to wear it.



  1. Thats a better version of my one.

    1. I didn't really find your one was as good as some of your other articles.

    2. True i didnt like it either but i was running out of things to say i forgot to mention the maker re texture and everything. I'll do better hopefully next time
